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The significance of the global factors that shape national business Essay

The essentialness of the worldwide elements that shape national business exercises - Essay Example Thus, associations must get informatio...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Critical Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical Evaluation - Research Paper Example One of Twains argument to disapprove Darwin’s theory is that anaconda is less cruel as compared to an earl. He gives an example of an earl killing seventy-two buffaloes during a hunt and eating only a part of one of the buffaloes and leaves the other to rot. In his attempt to demonstrate that an anaconda was less, cruel he puts seven calves in his cage, and the reptile crushes only one, eats it, and shows no interest in the rest. Twain argument is that man kills for pleasure. This example is not sufficient, since he does not experiment with other animals such as elephants that at times kill while they are not carnivores (Wrangham and Peterson 131). Additionally, 120 sheep were found dead on August 2009, near Dillon in Montana and had been killed by a pack of wolves most of which were untouched and left to rot (Byron Web). Another example is that of Dolphins which often kill for fun (Yubi Shines Web). Moreover, coyotes also kill chicken but end up feeding on the head only. Thes e are just a few examples to demonstrate that some animals are just as wasteful as the earl mentioned in Twain’s essay. They are not any better than man is. ... On the other hand, â€Å"Man is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and with calm pulse to exterminate his kind† (Twain 219). Twain did not conduct extensive studies and he failed to recognize how ants gather in forces and attack anyone who challenges their borders. Some species of ants have territorial wars where they engage in fight and the winning colony takes the other for slaves. Indeed, there are certain types of ants known to make slaves even in absence of war. They thus invade colonies, steal eggs, and carry them to their nest to hatch into slave ants (Wilson 370). Animals like lions cannot be considered better to man since male lions often challenge each other. If a male lion succeeds in challenging a fellow lion to become the â€Å"king’, it involves in act such as killing the cubs of the former â€Å"king† (Wrangham and Peterson 160). Other animal species known to engage in war include mares. If a mare joins a herd and is already pregnant, the stallion kills the foal after it has been born. Moreover, chicken have been known to attack and kill fellow chicken they consider different from them. Although humans have demonstrated ruthlessness through their actions, he is not the only species that does so and is thus not the least developed as Twain argues. Moreover, humans have the ability to learn from experiences and avoid some activities. On the contrary, animal repeat their actions through history. At times war against humans is for a cause while animal engage in war for no specific gains. Moreover, man learns to improve his life as well as that of others. This can be demonstrated by the development of America through history where humans gain more

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Australian Criminal Justice System, the Belief in Justice, an Independ Essay

Australian Criminal Justice System, the Belief in Justice, an Independent Judiciary and the Rule of Law - Essay Example For any criminal justice system to be accepted by everyone, it must not discriminate against the people of a certain race, ethnic background or social class. The legal system can only be fair if the necessary procedures that guarantee a fair trial are in place. Similarly, there must be a system of law for the purpose of fairness in the society or simply the Law of Equity. The society will continue to trust the legal system if justice is not only done but perceived to be done. The entire society more so the witnesses and victims should be made aware of steps that are made to ensure that those who are involved in criminal activities are arrested and prosecuted. Furthermore, the public should be able to witness, by the means of the criminal justice system, the law bringing about accountability. The legal system comprises some basic elements of justice which include unbiased judges, jury trials that are just and the provision of security to the witnesses whenever it is called for. The Australian Justice system is based on the belief in justice, an independent judiciary and the rule of law (Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2008). The people, in disregard of race and whether or not they are citizens, are given similar treatment before the law. The law also safeguards and ensures that the people are given fair treatment by officials and governments. There are some principles which are fundamental to the Australian legal system. These include the separation of powers, judicial precedent and procedural fairness. The Australian jurisprudence is based on the United Kingdom common law system. This law shows a great variation from the other civil law systems operating in Japan, South America and Europe that originated from Roman law (Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2008). The major feature of the common law is that cases that have been settled previously act as a precedent to the pending  cases.