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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Griboyedov Review Essay Example

Griboyedov Review Paper Essay on Griboyedov A long long time ago I came across the book Love this is the heart of everything about Mayakovsky, whom my soul is not accepted at the time, simply precluded a. I thought he was Lomax from literature, artificially distort feigned words, breaking lines of poetry. No, I was a girl it is competent, to understand why this or why, but all the same, it seemed to me somehow false deliberate, and therefore unpleasant. The book is composed of the letters he and Lili Brik, turned my understanding of it, about a man who, even letters to his beloved signing the name of Puppy and drew a number of touching a face, a funny dog. Thats why I book this so remember that it is something shook me, made to see in the tribune of the revolution, the vulnerable and wounded soul in love. Classic day enmeshed in the day (s) the ponderous chains of school (and university) programs was ground (dissolved) words like great poet , national property which, if laid on the gravestone Russian literature swaddled its cocoon, from under which not see nor wisdom, nor lightness or finesse or gloss. Books like the book Griboyedov hack, blow up the frozen ice age. Classics are no longer monuments, they are live, no matter how trite it sounds. What unites Griboyedov, Pushkin, Chaadaev, Viazemsky? About what youre thinking, you admit it? According to Tsimbaevoy, they share a waltz. They are people age waltz, unafraid, but not vulgar, easy, fast, elegant, but at the same time, requires concentration, confidence, and lack of internal stress, flying, but not off the ground (and gets up before the eyes of the picture from the movie war and peace , where the ball dance Natasha Rostova). But really, a whole era of smart, brilliant, wise, so different, but these pohozhh something subtle at each other. Almost everyone a tragic fate, but such dignity, such ability to hold back the natural simplicity, lets talk about just vozvyshennom1 We will write a custom essay sample on Griboyedov Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Griboyedov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Griboyedov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The book about Griboyedov a treasure for everyone who loves Russian literature. Scrupulous work with facts, everyday realities (the author historian), the study of the characters and traditions of society at that time. What kind of Valais! Here, the old woman and Moscow, customs control, all FAMUSOV and his company at a glance. And not just Woe from Wit and Eugene Onegin and War and Peace become much clearer, I would say, more alive, that is. Also it described all this so that is read in one breath. I picked up this book if necessary (read it for a long time), but could not tear myself away. And I thought maybe because we do not like them, that does not dance (do not know how, or do not want, or with whom) Waltz ?

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