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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cinema Ticket Business Process

Question: Discuss about the Cinema Ticket Business Process. Answer: Introduction Cinema ticket is a voucher that indicates that an individual has the right or permission to watch a particular film or a movie for a given duration of time at a specific place. As a business process, cinema ticket is considered at the point of marketing or sales. One can buy a ticket from the box office or at the counter of an entertainment industry or an organization, which avails the tickets in the form of ticket checks or as separate. Tickets are also available from resellers, which are commercial enterprises that order tickets in the form of wholesale and reselling them to the consumers. Many customers trust dealers because of convenience and availability. The convenient factor relates to the local ticket acquisition while the availability factor is that all the tickets have been sold hence need to purchase the tickets from the resellers or not to see the particular performance of the show. Online booking of cinema tickets has been the current process of buying the tickets. Indus tries that have not developed the online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Physical flow of cinema ticket Physical flow involves the circular movement model of the ticket card from the business sector to the point of use and the transfer of resources from the household sector to the business sector (Fang andYang, 2016). The physical flow is demonstrated as a counter-clockwise flow whereby the product market at the top, resource at the bottom, household sector at the left and organization at the right as the payment moves in the opposite direction (Braet and Spek, 2013). The household sector is the people seeking the consumption of the cinema ticket and at far right is the organization, which is responsible for the production of the ticket card (Hoof, 2016). At the top side are the product markets, which is responsible for the exchange of product or gross domestic product. The resource market exchanges the services of the resources (Braet and Spek, 2013). Payment flows from the household because they possess resources. Provision of services and resources to the organization via supply market, the company then utilize the resources in the production of tickets that are then provided to the customers (Hoof, 2016). The circular flow of payment play a significant role in the organization, it measures national income, gives out knowledge of interdependence, demonstrates endless nature of the economy and provides injection and leakages (Baumgrtel, 2012). For the physical flow of the product to be successful, there should be proper communication among the i ndividuals involved in the process. The organization should relay an appropriate message to the customers, which in turn respond by making payment of the product. Co-ordination is also another important factor in the process. There must be a proper coordination among the four parties with the right relationship. Document and Data flow diagram It is the graphical representation of information, and it is usually used as a primary step to provide an overview of the system (Hoof, 2016). The diagram indicates the type of data that are responsible for input and output from the system. It shows where the data moves to, its source and where it will be stored. The data flow diagram does not indicate the timing of the process and whether the process will operate in sequence or parallel (Redmond, 2013). Document flow diagram involves the recording the transaction of payment or documenting any activity during ticket processing. For example, during payment of the ticket, the document and data diagram can be represented as below. A is money received from the customer and P is the price of the ticket (Hoof, 2016). When A is less than P, the client is referred to A showing that the amount received is less than the price of the ticket. When A is greater or equal to P, the card is printed, and the change is dispensed (Shina, 2012). The whole diagram comprises of reviews concerning booking details, users in corporate level, the identity of the workers, movie screening as well as some seats booked by each and registered users both in the organization and in the cities (Stout, 2015). Booking details provide names of various movies screened on a given day, availability of corporate users for each video and number of seats booked (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). Corporate users entail name of the users, contacts including e-mails and phone numbers as well as their places of residence. The information in corporate users helps to obtain timely information for promotion purposes of the organization. Movie details consist of the cinema being screened and its location, name, date of screening and timing of the film to be shown (Mital and Desai, 2014). The revenue section provides users who are willing to book the ticket, which reflects the name, movie to be booked, number of users, seats booked and revenue generated. Seats booked give details of some seats for a particular day for a particular location. Assumptions the process of obtaining ticket online has principle assumptions that are applied to the users of the ticket and they include; every location comprise of different capacity of users, price of the ticket is at a fixed rate over the period, no cancellation of the ticket, payment mode is set, and internal operation involves the use of system. Information flow It is the process whereby information about the product moves from the point of manufacture to the final usage of the product. It is developed to manage the records concerning movie collection, sales of the ticket (Sanchez and Royyuru, 2013). It provides the conductive interface to the users to retrieve and to manage the records. Information in an organization is required to gather a certain amount of data concerning the product of the group (Mital and Desai, 2014). For instance, in the information flow process, it is important to include effective communication and coordination among the five that is from suppliers of material to final usage of the ticket by the customers to enhance understanding of each party in the organization. The product information flow diagram is as follows; Suppliers provide raw materials for the organization to process and manufacture tickets. Once tickets have been produced, they are distributed to the retailers, which in turn sell them to the final consumers (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The transfer of information from suppliers to customers enhances the process of product movement. The distributors can directly sell the tickets to the customers or supply in bulk to wholesalers. Wholesales then sell to retailers, which in turn sell to individual clients (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). Future improvement Cinema ticket booking process is part of the management system, which can be implemented though there is some assumptions and limitation that need to be overcome. Incorporation of new applications such as modernization of payment mode, the dynamism of the ticket price, and implementation of refund and cancellation of the ticket, clients can choose the different type of seats during the time of reservation and the application of management system to each source and destination. Conclusion Most cinema industries have installed software to facilitate online booking system of tickets (Ferreira and Proena, 2013). The online booking processes have more advantages than physical method, which include anytime anywhere delivery of services, reduction of staff congestion and promotion of film internet. Marketing of tickets either physical or online need to be implemented to ensure reliability, efficiency and satisfaction of the customer hence high productivity of the organization product. Industries that have not developed an online system of ticket booking are therefore encouraged to adopt the system since it is effective and efficient regarding production, marketing, and customer satisfaction. Reference Braet, O., Spek, S., Pauwels, C. (2013). Crowdfunding the movies: A business analysis of crowdfinanced moviemaking in small geographical markets.Journal of Media Business Studies,10(1), 1-23. Hoof, F. (2016). Post-Cinematic Distribution Flows: Alternative Content, Sports Films and the (In) Stability of the Multiplex Market. InThe State of Post-Cinema(pp. 149-163). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Stout, G. 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